Ok, followers. I started collecting diapers before Emily was born to get good prices. It gave me time to study up on the prices of diapers and wipes and learn when to buy. There were some awesome deals as Amazon was premiering their Amazon Mom program at the time. (Learn more about Amazon Mom here)
I am using size 3 diapers since this is the size they seem to stay in the longest. The best place I have found to get diapers is at the drug stores so I will be posting deals as I see them. I get free packs sometimes or as low as $3 to $4/pack using coupons.
Here is what I learned:
Here is what I learned:
Diapers (Size 3 - Diapers)
If you just go into a store (Target, Walmart, or Grocery store) you will pay $8.99 typically for a pack of diapers (Pampers and Huggies) The break down for each diaper is .25/diaper. Wow that is a lot!!!!Here are comparisons from Sams Club and Amazon (Using size 3 diapers)
Just remember Price/# of diapers to get the price per diaper.
Sams Club
Sams Club Brand(200) - .16/ diaper
Pampers Baby Dry(222) - . 19/diaper
Pampers Cruisers(186) - .23/diaper
Huggies(228) - .19/diaper
Luvs(204) - .14/diaper
Amazon (with Amazon Mom - Subscribe and Save program - save 30% off)
*Prices vary from week to week* They also have coupons too that can lower the price.
Pampers Baby Dry(222) - .14/diaper
Huggies Snug & Dry(156) - .17/diaper
Luvs(234) - .11/diaper
So be sure when you are using coupons you beat the Amazon deals or it is just better to buy from them.
Here are the best prices I found.
If you buy the small packs of 72 they are .027/wipe if you pay $2 for them.
Sams Club (720 ct)
Huggies - .021/wipe
Member's Mark - .018/wipe
Amazon - (720 ct)
Pampers - .024/wipe
Walmart (504 ct)
Target (currently has 15% off if you buy 2 or more plus free shipping for over $50 orders)
up & up Baby Wipes Unscented Refill Pack - 792 Count - .017/wipe
What deals have you found???